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4 books in series: Circle of Magic

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Sandry's Book
by Tamora Pierce

Series: Circle of Magic
Book 1 of 4
With her gift of weaving silk thread and creating light, Sandry is brought to the Winding Circle community. There she meets Briar, a former thief who has a way with plants; Daja, an outcast gifted at metalcraft; and Tris, whose connection with the weather unsettles everyone, including herself. At Winding Circle, the four misfits are taught how to use their magic--and to trust each other. But then disaster strikes their new home. Can Sandry weave together four kinds of magical power and save herself, her friends, and the one place they have ever been accepted?
Diverse cast: Daja is from a dark-skinned race that's Roma and African inspired, and Briar and Lark are dark-skinned. Lark and Rosethorn are a lesbian couple, and in future books Daja has a relationship with a woman.
race, multiple culture, class, FPOC 1997 MG

Tris's Book
by Tamora Pierce

Series: Circle of Magic
Book 2 of 4
Earthquake damage leaves Winding Circle vulnerable to pirate attack, so everyone - including the young mages-in-training Tris, Briar, Daja, and Sandry - is working to strengthen the community's defenses. When Tris's cousin Aymery comes to visit, he advises the "weather witch" to return to the family that exiled her, but she doesn't wish to leave her friends to face the threat without her. As the onslaught begins, two things become terribly clear: The pirates have a powerful new weapon, and they have an accomplice within Winding Circle. But the attackers have failed to reckon with the fury of a young mage betrayed once too often and her very stubborn, very loyal friends....
Diverse cast: Daja is from a dark-skinned race that's Roma and African inspired, and Briar and Lark are dark-skinned. Lark and Rosethorn are a lesbian couple, and in future books Daja has a relationship with a woman.
race, multiple culture, class, FPOC 1997 MG

Daja's Book
by Tamora Pierce

Series: Circle of Magic
Book 3 of 4
Outcast Trader Daja, along with her fellow mages-in-training, journeys from Winding Circle to the Gold Ridge Mountains, where drought threatens widespread famine. There, Daja creates an astonishing object: a living metal vine, and Daja's dealings with her former people reawaken a longing for familiar ways. Daja must choose - should she return to the Traders or remain with the Winding Circle folk who have become her family?
Explores relations between the Traders and other groups, and Daja's place as an outcast.
race, setting, multiple culture, class, , race FPOC 1998 MG

Briar's Book
by Tamora Pierce

Series: Circle of Magic
Book 4 of 4
Former "street rat" Briar leads a comfortable life at Winding Circle Temple, learning plan magic from Rosethorn. But street kids are still his friends, and when one of them gets sick, she turns to Briar for help. When her disease proves beyond even Rosethorn's power, Briar realizes that all of Summersea is in danger. As the mysterious illness spreads, Sandry, Daja, and Tris join Briar and their teachers to fight the epidemic. But just as the situation improves, the unthinkable happens. Will Briar be able to save what he loves most?
Diverse cast: Briar and Lark are non-white. Lark and Rosethorn are a lesbian couple.
race, class, FPOC 1999 MG

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